Monday, March 19, 2007

Check it Out! -

If you haven't visited the Bengals web site recently, check it out! The team has updated the site with new pages included a whole new look for the Cheerleader section of the site!

The new version of the Cheerleader section includes a TON of photos and information about the cheerleaders, including bios and even a blog section!

Here is an excerpt from the first blog entry written by Director, Charlotte Jacobs.

"...Another important aspect to the BenGals is the BenGal Alumni. The BenGals alumni group consists of doctors, lawyers, chemical engineers, technology engineers, nurses, teachers, sales professionals, business enterpreneuers, therapists, as well as successful mothers (just to name a few)!! The BenGals Alumni have set the “bar” for high standards over the years and we challenge ourselves to live up to the continued expectation. The BenGals want to be known and recognized for our success in life and the community as well as our cheerleading involvement."

Be sure to check the site for upcoming audition information and updates on the squad's trip overseas!

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